Opinion Page

Today's rant:

Creation scientists get schooled again. One of the ways that "creation scientists" (as much of an oxymoron as that is) try to "disprove" that the Earth is only 6,000 (or so) years old is that they claim that if there really were dinosaurs once roaming the Earth, they should still be alive. Certainly no human has ever recorded seeing a dinosaur (at least not without the help of LSD). Therefore, they must've been placed there by God, as a part of his "grand design". If dinosaurs really walked on this planet, there would have to be some event long ago (more than 6,000 years ago) that killed them all. As predicted, although they want me to believe that Jesus was a blonde man with European features, even though he lived in Israel, they claim that since I couldn't produce the source of this "event" to them, that they were right and I was wrong. Now, I don't care what you believe, since science isn't about that. It's about facts and evidence, not faith and conjecture. So, scientists have found the crater where the "killer" asteroid landed that caused global catastrophy about 65,000,000 years ago. It's on the north side of the Yucatan Peninsula. In the picture you can see the southern side of the crater. The northern end is still under water. Now maybe I don't have to hear Dr. Gish try to tell me that the Grand Canyon was created in a day from the "Great Flood" of Noah's time. The only thing worse than trying to get people to swallow the bullshit that the Grand Canyon was formed a few thousand years ago by Noah's flood is that they wrap it in the very science they're trying to debunk. Anyone who's even seen a picture of the Grand Canyon knows that you can't carve that much granite out in a day. If you want to believe that the Earth is only about 6,000 years old, good for you. More power to ya. Just don't try to justify it with science, because then you just look like an ass-clown. I'm not saying which side to believe in - you have to draw your own conclusions. But I, for one, think that if there is a God (defined here as the solitary entity who "created" all that we see for his own benefit) he has a major quality control issue. I report, you decide. At least I can see a crater (or the Grand Canyon).

Baseball season is here. Do you care? I don't know about you, but it's hard to get keyed up for sports while our servicemen and women are getting shot at by Iraqis. I notice that none of the baseball players asked for a leave of absence to go fight for our Country. When we have real heroes to watch, who needs the latest stats on the Braves losing streak? I'll take Jessica Lynch stories over a game any day. I don't care if she does or doesn't have stab wounds, or multiple gunshot wounds. She has 2 broken legs and a broken arm as she fought off Iraqi troops until she ran out of ammo. I support giving her all the medals her uniform can hold. She wants to be a teacher. When she says "sit down", I expect those kids will listen.

What's wrong with war protestors? Here's a quote from an Englishman, who seems to have a firmer grasp on terra firma:

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more mportant than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

John Stuart Mill ( 1806 - 1873 )

What really killed the dinosaurs. Apparently, they've discovered that some dinosaurs were cannibals. Who needs a meteor when you truncate your own progeny?

The Axis of Weasels want a say in post-war Iraq. Tough shit. They had their chance. Now they get to sit on the bench. They can lose their lucrative contracts, and they can pound sand. Fuck them. Too late to join in. They had their chance. They didn't want a regime change. Now they get to watch as we kick them to the curb.

Save a dolphin. Put PETA members in tuna nets. Those knuckleheads at PETA are at it again. Now they're saying that the use of dolphins to search for mines is "animal cruelty" and "costs lives". Yeah right. If we could save only dolphins OR PETA members, I'm all in favor of saving the dolphins. They're MUCH more intelligent. Hell, my dog is most intelligent than any PETA member. And she licks her own ass, which should tell you something about PETA members. They obviously need something to do with their time. I advise them to play Russian Roulette. And please tell them to use an automatic when they do it.

Previous day's rant

If you have ideas, comments, or criticisms, please let me know.
