Opinion Page

Today's rant:

Global Warming exposed as a myth. That's right. All of you eco-radicals who have relied on the fake evidence have been disproven. When the basis for your case is made by taking temperature readings at airports (only) during a period in which air travel is increasing, it's no wonder you show an increase. Duh. You don't have to be Homer Simpson to figure this one out. Anyway, as I've been claiming for years, the Earth is gradually getting COLDER, not warmer. When you're looking at global climates, you have to look at long trends, not 10-year increments. Over the last 2 billion years, the trend has DEFINITELY been getting colder. That's one of the reasons that the dinosaurs never had a chance. That damn asteroid just saved them a longer and more prolonged demise.

The Sun is getting brighter. This, in contrast to many people in this country. Especially those Green Party members. If you're smart, you'll buy your Oakleys now, before they cost $1,000,000/pair.

Wear gloves. They have confirmed that "Chemical" Ali is "tango uniform" in Basrah. Good. He had all the allure of a scorpion, and the world is a better place without him. Now we'll start finding his tools. And when we do, I hope we dump it on France. At least most of them would finally be getting a shower.

Is Saddam dead or not? Who knows. If he is, good. If not, let's keep bombing buildings until we get the bastard. His death only makes the world a better place.

Ok, so today I've run out of intelligent things to say. Before you say it, I know some of you are thinking that this isn't exactly "new" news, and that I've been rambling incoherently for years. It's time to walk the dog anyway.

Previous day's rant

If you have ideas, comments, or criticisms, please let me know.
