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When bad things happen to bad people.  I love it when really bad things happen to really bad people. Today a convicted sex offender went "Tango Uniform" and is now taking the celestial dirt nap. Even worse, the dead sexual predator is a Priest. More than 130 people claim to be his victims. What a sorry sack of shit. Anyway, today one of his fellow inmates stuck him with a shank and gave some families some closure. Like Jeffrey Dahmer before him, he learned that people who abuse children are the lowest life forms in jail. And if fellow criminals have no respect for you, then you don't deserve respect from the rest of us.

Too little, too late. The Palestinians are racing through their camps to try to pick up a few guns so that they can put on a good show and "claim" to be fighting terrorism. However, the Israelis have had enough. Palestinian terrorists have not even honored their own cease-fire, and have NEVER honored a single agreement. So, they're going to take matters into their own hands. And it's about damn time, too. Arafat and Abbas (Abu Mazen) have been calling for jihad in Arabic constantly, regardless of what they say in English. Therefore, they cannot be trusted to talk peace. They have NEVER been interested in peace, and cannot be trusted now. The only way there will be peace is if they remove the violent component of their group and kill them. Then, the few remaining can live in peace. It's unfortunate that the minority that can live in peace are so outnumbered by the violent homicidal lunatics.

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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