Opinion Page

What is it? I don't know. I'm afraid to open the can. But I promise you, this is a REAL product, from the UK. Didn't Clinton spend some time there in his youth?

I don't know what to say about today. Baby Spooge is 15 months old now, Millie (the best puppy in the world) turned 3 (or 21 in her years) today. Time is passing, and it's moving too quickly for me.

Yesterday I noticed that we got a dock. Now I have a dock. Great. I don't have a boat. Oh well, maybe I'll go fishing instead. Oh yeah, I don't have a fishing pole either.

But don't think I'm just bitching and moaning. I need to let a little out from time to time. It keeps me from blowing all at once.

Today, Baby Spooge kissed me for the first time. She seems to know just the right time to comfort me. I love her so much that I can't even imagine what would happen if something happened to her.

I don't have much to say about the world today - not much happened in the news this week. The stock market is up, which is good. I found a couple of job prospects to apply to, which is good. Saddam's two sadist spawn have been reduced to worm food, which is good. Everything is going well, except that I am still unemployed, which takes the fun out of everything else. It would be nice to do more for Mrs. Spoogeworld and Baby Spooge - they deserve it.

Have you ever had a day when everything went well, or at least didn't suck, but you still don't feel all that excited? This was one of those days. I wish I knew why.

Well, football season is fast approaching. Maybe next month things will look up.

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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