Opinion Page

Today's rant:

Shock and awe. I site here today watching FOXNews Channel and I am amazed at the television coverage that we can see in this country. Can you imagine people in Iraq, North Korea, or China doing something like this? I think it says something wonderful about this country that we put reporters in the field with the trops and have them shooting live pictures on international television. It shows that we are the liberators, not people committing atrocities. I'm also laughing at how quickly the Iraqi troops are surrendering (on average). Most of them will be happy to get a shower and some food - things their own army never provided for them.

Another entry for the Darwin Awards. In a move of protest, some ass-wipe decided to hang a banner on the Golden Gate Bridge. He raised the nation's average I.Q. as he fell 220 feet to his death when he fell. While I recognize the Right of Americans to protest this and every war action that the Country undertakes, I also recognize the responsibility of its citizens to act within the limits of the law, and the natural right of Mother Nature to weed out the stupid. I find it amusing that NONE of the "anti-war" protestors have in any criticized Saddam Hussein for supporting terrorism, for committing genocide within his borders, or for using Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) against his own people and his neighbors. If you oppose our efforts, certainly you must still oppose acts of evil committed by Hussein as well, or else you send the message that you agree with Hussein's strategy, in which case you're welcome to join him. If he hasn't already gone and joined Allah. I view any anti-war protestor who doesn't at least protest the setting ablaze of Iraqi oil wells, if not the other offenses which Hussein has been accused, as a supporter of our enemy. If they go the extra step of givng aid and/or comfort to that enemy, then they cross the line where their right to protest becomes an act of treason. It's one thing not to support a war, it's another to act against your country's interest and cause them harm.

Since there isn't much else in the news other than 8,000 Iraqi troops surrendering, I'll talk some about Adrienne, the Most Beautiful Baby in the World. Adrienne today was getting into EVERYTHING. Now that she can crawl everywhere she wants to, and she can pull up to a stand anywhere there is a tall object, nothing is safe. She continues to get taller, and her reach extends further and further each day. She has a sense of humor. She laughs at things that are funny on the television. She claps at the end of her favorite shows. She "dances" (bounces) to music that she likes. Since I spend my days with her (until someone gets smart and hires me) I get to see her grow up. Every day yields some new discovery. I just sit here in awe half of the time. When you tell her "no-no" now she shakes her head side-to-side. This girl knows exactly what we're saying!

If you have ideas, comments, or criticisms, please let me know.
