Opinion Page

Today's rant:

Fedeyeen Express - when you positively have to commit terrorism, overnight. This link has to do with some background on Saddam's secret army of terrorists. They report to his oldest son, Odai, a man who makes Charles Manson look like Barry Manilow. If you don't know who Barry is, you're lucky. But these "terror troops" that Saddam has, and it's estimated that he has about 30,000 to 40,000 of these agents out there, are the ones who are making up much of the reports of "irregular troops". Aside from their needing some Ex-Lax (we want them to be regular), if they don't want to fight according to the agreed-upon rules of warfare (the Geneva Convention), then let's treat them like terrorists. Let's not give them meals, and showers (although this might be a form of punishment for them). Let's just tear them apart at the limbs and be done with it.

Reading, writing, and repeating the drivel spilled by today's socialist teachers. I love it when a teacher "makes" students (by giving them an assignment where they have to write an opinion letter, provided they mirror the teacher's opinion) write letters to people who voice opinions that don't match theirs. To believe that teenagers are wise in the ways of the world is crazy to begin with. To think that you will change the mind of someone with a strong opinion with letters from 30 fifteen-year-olds is just plain dumb. To use your podium as a teacher and opine your viewpoint (usually at the expense of airing the opposing side) is a disservice to your job. You're there to give an education, not brain-wash kids, you dumb MFs. So, STFU and DO YOUR JOBS!!! You're not teaching them the skills that they will need to even get a job at Wal-Mart, and now you're wasting more time trying to get them to write letters to economists about being poor. Here's an idea - stop being a socialist and teach them how to add two numbers without the aid of a calculator. Then, teach them how to complete a sentence without double-negatives or case-mismatch. "Ain't" isn't a word - I don't care what source you produce. And, while I'm at it - it's ASK, not AXE. If I want to "axe you" something, it's not going to be a question - it's going to involve a sharp implement (right Dad?). If you want to impress me, read a damn book. The next person who "axes" me a question just might get my foot up their ass. Teachers (in general, there are a few bright lights in the sea of dim-wits) are doing a shitty job of educating our youth. You can't order food at a fast-food restaurant unless there's a [deleted expletive] picture of it on his "terminal" (they used to have registers, but that requires them knowing the price of the crap that they sell). You think I'm lying? I dare you to walk into Burger King and order a plain hamburger patty - no bun, no ketchup, no mustard, nothing. Just a plain fucking patty. Good luck. Millie (The Most Beautiful Dog in the World) loves those damn things (she wouldn't waste her time to wet on anything from McDonalds, and neither would I), and it's a big fat pain-in-the-ass trying to order one. Go to the drive-thru and ask for a plain hamburger patty. Go ahead. Kill your entire afternoon. It will take them 4 hours to figure it out, because there isn't a picture of it on the terminal. For your reference, it's a combination of the "kids" and "Whopper Jr." buttons. Try it. Your dog will love you. That is, if you're smart enough to own a dog. And only if you own a real dog. If you own a dog that can't eat an entire patty, use it as a slipper and get a real dog. And I'm spent...

“A monster the likes of which the world had not seen since Stalin and Hitler.” That's how the "human shields" heard Saddam described by everyday citizens in Iraq. That's why they all left. When they realized that they were being used as propaganda by this terror, they split. No one can defend this cretin. He is a criminal, and he has no excuse. Anyone who is against this war is siding with a man who is trying to become the largest mass murderer in history. He is shooting his own troops, his civilians, his neighbors, anything he wants to. He is a brutal tyrant. If you want to oppose this war, you are giving Saddam aid and comfort. You're saying you hate Bush MORE than Hussein. And that is truly sad. Shame on you.

"Fictitious" Moore exposed. Thank God I meant that figuratively. Michael Moore, International Ass-Clown of the Millennium, won an Oscar for a "documentary". As long as you don't need to include facts in your documentary, I guess he makes good ones. But for a man who is a Marxist (who lives in a $1.2M Manhattan apartment) to call our leadership's election "fictitious" is truly amazing. He espouses Marxism. If you remember, until the Russian Federation became a reality after the collapse of Communism there, the term "election" was a joke in the U.S.S.R. The first "election" there didn't happen until after we had 39 Presidents ourselves (don't forget one of our Presidents was elected twice before you send me an email correcting me). So the fact that we even HAD an election says something about our society. Moore prefers the leaders who commit mass murder. Say it with me - ASS-CLOWN!

If you have ideas, comments, or criticisms, please let me know.
