Opinion Page

Today's rant:

My message to Saddam Hussein:

Charge Peter Arnett with treason. Then kill him. That ass-clown had the brass marbles to say that our war plan had failed, and that we're having to adjust to a people who have determination to resist our forces. He should be brought back to this country in shackles if he's a citizen and tried for treason, or, if he's not a citizen, he should be permanently banned from our country for being a lump of the world's toilet. I've passed better material through my colon that him. NBC should be ASHAMED of having him for an employee. To praise the Iraqi government for "access" while he's there trying to find several jounalists who've been kidnapped by that same government is just plain stupid. I wouldn't use him as a hankerchief. If he was the last reporter in the world, I still wouldn't watch him. I'd like to see him impaled on a stick outside of town. Then I'd pour gasoline on him and set him on fire. Then I'd pee on him to put out the flames. Then I'd REALLY tell him how I'd feel.

Why are there no Wal-Marts in the Palestinian-controlled territories? They've all become Targets. Islamic Jihad has claimed responsibility for a homicide bombing in Israel. They even went so far as to call it a "gift" to the Iraqi people. I have an idea to return the gift. Let's give them a cruise missile enema! Your welcome, from the U.S. Government. Once we've killed every last member, let's also raise the bar for the world by removing Hamas and Hezbollah.

Discrimination on trial. The Supreme Court is going to listen arguments this week related to Affirmative Action, or legalized discrimination for short. While no one (of right mind) will discriminate on someone purely on the basis on skin color, certainly an institution of "higher learning" should recognize that if discrimination is bad, then legal discrimination is bad. It's insulting

Target vs. Vietnam Veterans. I did some research, since it concerned me that one of our favorite places to shop might be acting very anti-American. It turns out that this story is only partially true, and that individual stores are prohibited from making contributions, but the corporate entity has helped sponsor some things, as have many other companies. Target is also a "patron" of the WW2 Memorial in the $500,000-$1,000,000 range. so, they don't seem to be anti-Veteran. Relax, we have plenty of people to hate in this world. Let's not pick on our own.

Jackass, the Movie. If you saw this movie, you're an idiot. Don't tell me about it, because I don't want to know anyone who's seen it. If you wasted yet more money on owning it on DVD, then please tear up your voters registration card. Quickly. The next thing you know, you'll go see "Friday the 13th Part 451,698 - Jason takes a shower".

Previous day's rant

If you have ideas, comments, or criticisms, please let me know.
