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Monday. What to write about? Hmmmmm. How about Brittney Spears claiming that she's still a role model for young girls, as exemplified by her drinking, smoking, explicit lyrics, and suggestive poses?

I guess she's trying to be the poster girl for sluts.

Here's another example of an ass-dart. Some substitute teacher in Texas, to whom I will refer to as Erenestine Harrison, thinks that we should change the name of two school in her area which are named after historically-significant figures in American History because (her words) they are inappropriate. Apparently this substitute teacher thinks she knows better than everyone else what is appropriate for the rest of us. She thinks that two schools named after Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis should "bear names of people she considers better role models for children." Is it really a problem? Should we only teach history that we approve of? Should we only recognize those on a politically correct list that is sanitized by teachers? I went to a school named in memory of John F. Kennedy. Should we rename the school now that we know that he had extra-marital affairs? Where do these teachers get off telling the rest of us that only they can make decisions affecting society? Do we sanitize education until it fits their model, or do we take it back and kick them in the ass until they tell the truth - and I mean the WHOLE truth, not just the one-sided shit that passes for education today.

I heard one educator actually call for an end to grades. WTF???? Isn't that the one thing that teachers actually DO to students? They don't educate anymore - they leave that to the textbooks which they craft to present their one-sided ideologies. I have seen no (zero, nada, etc.) references in any history book as to the actual tax amount that motivated the Colonists to dump tea in the Boston Harbor at the famous Boston Tea Party. Not one. Do you know what the tax rate was on the tea? Most people do not. It was ONE PERCENT. But you won't hear teachers mention that in today's world. No way. Otherwise, kids would learn that today's tax rates are ridiculously high, and have no historical precedence. And contrary to what Gen. Clark (ass-dart extraodinaire) says, our country was NOT founded on a principle of "progressive taxation." That was an idea of Marx's. The one certain thing in today's government schools is that the teachers are failing in their jobs to adequately prepare students.

And while I'm on the subject of ass-darts, someone has to stand up for Zell Miller. He referred to the political black-listing (yes, I used that term!) of a conservative black judge as a lynching. And now the Sharpton types are screaming racism once again. Hell, Sharpton cries rape all the time. Why can't Zell refer to a political lynching for what it is? I may not agree with everything Zell says, but lately he's been right on many things. I admire his outspoken candor, and his willingness to put partisan politics behind to deal with the real job of running this Country. It is not wrong to use that term just because he's white. Otherwise, we're going to have to limit all mentioning of the term "holocaust" to Jews, and God knows what else. The fact is that if you're black, the Democrats will be behind you, unless you are a Republican, or don't tow the party-line dealing in race-baiting and affirmative action. And that's a shame, really. They take a noble cause, like trying to make thing right, and turn it into a sham that's used to line the pockets of the wealthy at the expense of the very people it was designed to assist. Those people should be ashamed of themselves.

Why Norway is another place to avoid. The government of Norway is buying a car for a short man, who said he was nervous riding a bus because of his height. WTF??? Here's the sentence that gets me: "Government officials initially said that was his problem, but a special social welfare court ruled that society shouldn't expose him to the psychological burden of riding the bus." A special social welfare court? No wonder their suicide rate is so high there.

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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