Opinion Page

How to fix peace in the Middle East: kill all of the terrorists. How can you tell which ones are the terrorists? You can't. Well, let"s look at the situation closer: Israel is a free society, with a market-driven economy. They have active trade with other nations, and products to export. The Palestinians, by contrast, have no economy, no exports, no industries (aside from bomb making), and no value to the rest of the world. On the other side, the Israelis have supported the world's efforts to limit nuclear proliferation, and have acted on their promise to help rid the world of terrorists. The Palestinians have done nothing to better the world, and have spent their team building terror weapons to kill children and women. Instead of building schools, they use their money to build tunnels to get more weapons into their cities. The schools that they DO have spend their time indoctrinating hate and ensuring the world that there will be terrorists in the future. So, I take a look at both sides, and I think that they best way to move towards peace in the Middle East is to just kill every Palestinian. I hate to say it, but they offer nothing positive to the world, only war, terror, pain, suffering, and death. If we let them live, we're saying that it's ok for them to continue being terrorists. We owe it to our children and their children to rid the planet of them.

PETA is in my cross-hairs again. It's been established that I think that PETA members are at best misguided, and at worst, militant fools. They have never proven to me that any of their claims against the consumption of animal products have any merit to them whatsoever. In fact, I have seen lots of scientific evidence that meat and animal products are essential parts of human nutrition. Our physiology is composed of components specifically designed for meat-eating animals. PETA's other area is that they claim that animals have the same "rights" as people. I don't believe in species equivalence. We don't give them the right to vote, or to drive. Therefore, it's not a large leap to avoid giving them other rights that humans enjoy. Since all other species don't have the same capabilities as humans, they shouldn't enjoy rights that even humans in other part of the world fail to enjoy. If you want to make a difference, go to the Middle East and fight for the rights of women, or seek to eliminate caste laws. If you really want to make a difference, force an end to the practice of mutilation called "female circumcision."

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