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Today I feel like writing something personal. Today's target is my uncle. He has gone so far as to actually request that I don't send him any more emails, even though they are mostly about our family, and Baby Spooge. Has only written me 3 times, and the other 2 were criticisms about these blogs. So, I say FUCK HIM. You don't want to be a part of my life? Fine. You are no longer family to me. I am rescinding any familial titles.

Have a nice life. Someplace else.

You are no longer welcome in our house, or at any family function that I will ever have. You may not email me, call me, or write me. Any mail you send will get thrown out, un-opened. Calls will go directly to my answering machine, or hung up on. Emails will not get read. You are now ex-family. This does transfer to your children, as they shouldn't bear my anger for your stupidity.

But, for the record, I thought I should mention a few things:

1. Your oldest son has turned out to be just like you. There is justice in the world. BWAHAHAHA!

2. You NEVER played for the Dolphins, ass-dart. You tried out to be an back-up kicker, and you didn't make the team. I don't care if you bought a Super Bowl ring on eBay, you never played a single day in the NFL.

3. You never worked for the CIA. They have standards, even if they are low. They need people they can trust. Your own family can't trust you.

4. You used to be a popular stock broker. But that was before you lost your business for insider trading, and immoral practices. It takes a real ass to cheat other family members. But then again, you've always put family last.

5. I feel sorry for your wife. She is a sweetheart. Why she stays with you I have no idea.

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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