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Gray Davis lacks gray matter. OK, it's not a big secret that I think that Gray Davis is a complete and total idiot. The odd thing is that he continues to prove me correct almost every time he opens his pie-hole.

His latest antics are childish and stupid. How so? He has mocked his competition, Arnold Schwarzenegger, by mocking his accent. Making fun of people's accent is childish, plain and simple. It shows that Davis can't really deal with the issues, so he's trying a little bit of character assassination. If he can't tackle Arnold on the issues, why not make fun of the man? Ah, but I also said stupid, too. You are so right to point that out. Yes, he is stupid. He said the Arnold (and I'm assuming others) want to take away the "rights" of illegal aliens to "drive on the highways". What doesn't this idiot get? First, if they're ILLEGAL aliens, they don't have any authorization to be here, much less drive. Second, driving is a PRIVILEDGE, not a right. Leave it to a Democrat to make everything a "Right" in this Country. He wants to give people who are criminal by their very presence the same priviledges that tax-paying and law-abiding citizens are granted.

And I don't want to hear anyone tell me about "well, they'll drive anyway, at least this way they'll have insurance." Bullshit. We don't excuse criminal behavior in this Country. We find out who is breaking the law, we arrest them, and we imprison them. If they are here illegally, we should put them in prison for a limited time (long enough to send a message) and then send them back to their country. We should also give them a bill for legal costs and the cost of their imprisonment, and they shouldn't be allowed back into this country until such time as their bill is paid in full. Also, any money found to be paid to illegal aliens should be billed to them, and they shouldn't be allowed into the country OR to gain citizenship until their bill is paid in full, and that money should not come from Public coffers. Illegal aliens increase the cost of Public services without contributing to income taxes. They draw Welfare and the Earned Income Tax Credit (read: un-earned income distribution) and use our medical services. They go to our hospitals for free (we pay that bill), they use our police and fire (we pay those bills too). I have no problem with people who want to come to this country legally and contribute to the system. But they can't take without paying in to the system. I'm not about to pay for someone else's illegal activities.

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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