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"Possible Homicide." Today I was watching "Cops", one of the few TRUE reality shows. The thing that caught my attention was the phrase "possible homicide." Sure, you've heard the term many times on that show, so why the big deal? Well, in this particular case, the officer actually referred to a particular crime scene as a "possible homicide." The reason why I was so flabbergasted was the crime scene itself. A latin male (read: Mexican migrant farm worker) was found in a field, his neck tied to a short tree, his hands and feet both bound, his shoulders tied down with a stake, and his feet pinned by what looked like a large knife. Oh yeah, and he was shot several times, too. What gave the officer a clue that it might be a "possible homicide?"

Not everyone hates the Jews. While we hear news in the Middle East that the Palestinians are trying to exchange 4 Israelis (3 of whom are dead) for 400 live Palestinians, I am reminded that not everyone hates the Jews:

It's almost election time in Florida again. As a public service, I thought I would give the wisened citizens of Florida a head-start on voting next year. I put together a handy guide to help the voters understand how to cast their ballot without causing controversy:

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