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It's too bad we can't charge them with "aiding terrorism." If you don't remember Rachael Corrie, she's the anti-Semitic and anti-American knucklehead who caused an accident with a bulldozer, the result of which rendered her closer to two-dimensional. Now her parents flew to meet with Yassar Arafat, and presented the terrorist leader with a portrait of their now flattened daughter. She died while aiding terrorist by trying to stop a bulldozer from destroying a tunnel used to smuggle weapons and terrorists in the Gaza Strip. You can almost excuse Rachel for her misguided views due to ignorant youthfulness. But what excuse can her parents have?

More uranium found in Iran. But we're supposed to believe that they're not trying to develop nuclear weapons. Uh huh. And I've got a bridge to sell you. Iran + nuclear weapons = bad things.

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