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Vent time!

What is on my list of peeves today?

I'm sick and tired of the 9th Circuit Court. This court is the most unbelievable collection of clowns.

As if their previous collection of rulings wasn't stupifying enough to amaze you, today they stunned me. And that is saying something.

What did they say that so riled me? It's a doozy!

They said that parents have NO RIGHTS with regards to how their children are educated, and they don't even have the RIGHT to protest the school system for going against the demands of the parents.

Now, let's stop and analyze this.

1) The local school systems are governed by a board of elected officials that the parents voted in to their positions. Essentially, the school board is "owned" by the community of parents that send their children to the schools.

2) The teachers that the school system hires are directly answerable to this authority, which answers to the voters. In effect, they serve the parents' wishes.

3) Parents have every Right to question what is taught in PUBLIC schools. They have every Right to debate what is taught, how it is taught, and even who gets to teach it.

4) In the event that anyone (including non-parents) wishes to debate any public policy or political opinion, that individual is guaranteed that Right by the First Amendment to the Constitution. This is absolute. This is without question. It is even trandscending to the subject matter in question.

5) The Ninth Court so obviously overlooked basic Constitutional protections, that I have to believe that their personal agenda of promoting Liberal, Leftist causes transcended their desire to honor their job duties in making a fair and honest ruling.

When Judges stop making rulings based upon law, they need to go. They need to resign, retire, or be removed forcefully from office.

Now the important thing to keep in focus is that this doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum is ignoring the shining light of the obvious. The same can be said for Roy Moore (from Alabama) that I'm saying for the Ninth Circuit Court.

But in an age where parental responsibility is at an all-time low, and we actually find some parents who give a damn about how their children are raised, it's a shame that they have to come up against the only Court that gets rejected more than that guy you went to high school with, who was a hunchback with bad acne and bad breath.

I can't believe they had the balls to look the public in the eye and say that parents don't have the RIGHT to decide how their children are raised. These people have no business making rulings on ANYTHING.

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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