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I could just puke.

How can a book make me puke?

I love it when any group (in this case, Democrats,) has so little support for new ideas, that it has to resort to brainwashing young children, to get a new base to keep its foundation alive.

Children, being young and stupid, are the perfect targets. They don't know a damn thing about the world, and if they complain, you can send them to their room. They are a perfect target for bullies.

Classic bullies that target children are Democrats, terrorists, and religious fundamentalists.

The book in question, "Why Mommy is a Democrat", is a great example. It attempts to push an agenda using over-simplified, glorious-sounding, far-reaching principles, without explaining any of the troubling Truths behind the simplistic mottos.

An example from the book: "Democrats make sure we all share our toys, just like Mommy does."

Well, who could possibly be against sharing???

The point that the book neglects to mention is that the term "sharing" here is being used to mean the involuntary redistribution of goods, which isn't sharing - it's redistribution. Call it what it is. Sharing is voluntary. I have a lot. You have none. I offer you some of mine. It's voluntary. I offer it from my own volition, no one is forcing me.

When you read what the book says, the term "Democrats make sure" should scare you. That equates to a Democrat-led Government forcing you to "share" what you have with others. I say "share" in quotes, since it isn't sharing if you're forced to do something.

The Democrats like to dress up their rhetoric in nice terms: "sharing", "for the children", "protect the elderly". After all, who isn't for protecting children or elderly?

By using this Orwellian double-speak, they push more and more of their Socialist agenda on the unsuspecting public. And by the time we figure it out, we have high taxes (thanks to FDR's 1% Income Tax "for the War effort"), housing-slum project "homes" ("for the poor"), and illegal aliens spending our tax dollars to feed their families while they work here illegally and avoid paying Federal Income Taxes.

Another example from the book: "Democrats make sure we are always safe, just like Mommy does."

After all, don't we all just want to be safe? Well, that sounds nice, but let's look at, say, the last 4 Presidents (including the current one):

Reagan (Republican) - ended the Cold War (WWIII), and eliminated the spectre of nuclear war with the USSR. He also got our hostages returned to us from Iran, because they feared his attack if they didn't. He also broke apart the Soviet Union, and began the process that ended a few years later with numerous smaller, democratic countries.

Bush [41] (Republican) - liberated the country of Kuwait from Iraq's incursion.

Clinton (Democrat) - watched helplessly as al Qaeda attacked us by bombing the World Trade Center in 1993. Later that year, he sacrificed American soldiers in Somalia. In 1996, the Khobar Towers were bombed in Saudi Arabia, a U.S. "ally" in the War on Terror. Nineteen more dead, thanks to treating the WTC incident as a "police issue" (with a jab at John Kerry, who doesn't think terrorists should be hunted down and killed). Twelve more Americans (and hundreds of Africans) had to die in 1998, since we allowed 2 embassies in East Africa to be bombed in Kenya and Tanzania. Two years later, the USS Cole was bombed - another 17 servicemen killed. Also, under Clinton's watch, 19(+) terrorists plan the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon. A secret government organization even points out the terrorists, and Clinton does nothing.

Bush [43] (Republican) - liberates 50,000,000 people in Afghanistan and Iraq, and eliminates 2 regimes that sponsor and actively support terrorism. Both countries elect democratic governments, and work actively to better relations with our Country.

So, when I look at the facts, I see 3 out of 4 Presidents did something about our safety, and one did nothing. And this book wants us to believe that Democrats make us safer? The evidence speaks against this. They want to promote the idea that they make us safe, but they really lack moral ground to make that claim. And there are numerous examples beyond just terrorism. It was a Democratic bloc that opposed Civil Rights for everyone. It was the Democrats that opposed the abolition of slavery. Where do they get off telling children that they keep us safe?

OK, not convinced? How about another example: "Democrats make sure children can go to school, just like Mommy does."

In the picture, they show what is presumed to be a college, with a sign showing the word "Admission:" and a price tag of $160,000.

There's nothing like class-envy to stir up emotions. After all, don't we all want to go to school? Well, not really - there's entire cultures in our society that stigmatize learning. And we certainly require the services of people that do the jobs that keep our Country going, many of which do not require a college education.

But they still want to make it sound like Republicans don't want you to go to school, doesn't it?

So, let's take a look at schools in our Country:

Public (Government) schools are failing miserably. Even as spending per student as doubled, education has faltered, to say the least. We turn out millions of students who can't read, write, or do math. Sciences are the most neglected subjects in our schools, even though our Country thrives on technological innovations. History is selectively taught to emphasize Socialist and Liberal themes, while freedom and individual responsibility are marginalized. When the failing schools are exposed, the teachers claim they need more money, even though "more money" hasn't worked in the last 40 years. And when people want to send their children to private schools, the teachers unions oppose school choice. They want to keep the children who need better education the most in the failing schools that they've helped create. They are the problem, and they oppose any solutions. To do so would weaken their unions, which is what they really care about, not the children they're hired to teach.

So, you still want to be a Democrat?

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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