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Who killed Jesus? Who cares? What difference does it make? Some people are sending hate mail to Jewish centers filled with hatred after hearing about Mel Gibson's new movie "The Passion." Well, first of all, the movie hasn't even been released yet, so any hate mail is from people who just hate Jews anyway. So, if the Nazis were looking for an excuse, Mel has delivered them opportunity, even if the movie does nothing to implicate some people in the death of Jesus.

But let's look at the bigger issue - EVEN if you're one of the people who believe that SOME Jewish people were responsible for Jesus' crucifiction, here's a thought: aren't those people dead by now? It's not like the Jews of today took a poll and decided that crucifictions are a good idea. In fact, wasn't it the ROMANS who put Jesus to death? It's not Jews that did it - why blame the Jews? Isn't this a case of prosecuting the victim? This is like a drunk driver accusing a pedestrian of getting in the way of his car while hitting him on the sidewalk.

The thing that I can't figure out is why blame people alive today for something that happened 2,000+ years ago? You don't hear the Jews all crying for slavery reparations for building the Pyramids, do you? Get over it! Let's say the Jews never did anything, and the Romans never killed him - wouldn't he still be dead anyway after 2,000 years? He did age, according to every thing that I've every read. Since he aged, he certainly would've died of old age at some point. So why continue to moan about his death? Why can't everyone get over it? How are we ever going to have a future with progress if we're always debating 2,000 year old deaths? To me, this is like trying to blame all women for Eve biting the apple. What difference does it make in today's world?

People are so fond of publicly asking What Would Jesus Do? I think he'd tell these knuckleheads to get a life!

Just in case. Yeah, that sounds like a good reason to run for Governor. Just in case. That's what Bustamente is claiming as his reason for running for Governor. After saying that he was "100%" not going to run in the recall election, he switched sides and decided to try to offer himself up as a mercy candidate. Who believe this crock of shit? Not me. He sees an opening to ascend to the throne. This after the boss refused to go quietly into that good night. Of course, Gray Davis still has lots of friends, like last night's Bill Maher ass-kissing contest. Bill was trying to see how far up Davis' ass he could get. And I would say he reached his shoulders. It was like watching two men make love. Bill shows his "balance" by having Davis, Garofalo, Donna Brazille, and a Republican on his show. You throw in Bill's snide comments from the left and you have a 4-against-1. But I don't expect Bill Maher to be fair or balanced. I expect him to continue to do what he does best - blame America for terrorism, and advocate more big-government idiots to fix the system that the other big-government idiots broke in the first place. Garofalo of course tried to blame California's budget deficit on Enron, and tried to tie that to the White House. Enron did most of their book-cooking while Bill Clinton was President, n'est pas? Davis was Governor. Just as long as the knuckleheads in California don't blame themselves for allowing their population to double without adding a single power plant to their state. They made their bed, they just don't want to lie in it. They just lie about it. I think they deserve Davis and their debt. Let them learn the lesson that the rest of us have to live our lives by. Keep chasing out businesses, and see how hard it is to fix your problems. The sad part is that the politicians aren't serving anyone's interests but their own. They forgot the stories we learned as children - that being elected is about others placing their trust in you to do what's best for them, not yourself. We need to find those selfless leaders once again who will do the right thing, not the what's the right thing for them.

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