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OK, I took a month off. I've had a good reason. I felt like it. Hey, I've been busy. I started a temporary job, temporarily. So, now that I've gotten used to working again, it's time to get back to pissing people off.

Democrats. Boy, when you need an easy target, they give you so much opportunity. Ted-the Head Kennedy is still polishing his knob over the "Prescription Drug" benefit that no one needs, and very few people want. I love how they estimate that it will "only" cost $400B over ten years. Because I'm sure that once it's "free" (to the people spending it), people will want every possible drug that they can get. I wonder how many elderly people will end up on Ritalin? Don't laugh - it's bound to happen. Howard Dean (who has the same chance of becoming President as Howard the Duck) still insists that Liberia presents a greater strategic interest and human rights catastrophe than Iraq. How any institution of higher learning ever conferred a degree upon him amazes me. This, from a man who thinks that the Ambassador to Rwanda is unimportant. He's rapidly becoming a pinata of stupidity - no matter which way you smack him, something stupid is going to come out. Al Sharpton still maintains that Tawana Brawley was raped. I guess facts don't matter to these knuckleheads. Hillary still won't deny that she might run for President, which scares every molecule of shit out of me. If she gets elected, I promise that this country will suffer irreparable harm. She can do more damage than her perjurer husband. He only raped women - Hillary is after the whole country. Kerry, Liebermann, and Gebhardt keep putting their feet in their mouths, and the other candidates are human side-shows. Their collective greed for stealing money from working people to give to lazy people knows no end, and continues to cost them support. Their NIMBY attitude (Not In My Back Yard) amazes me. They talk about alternatives to oil - until it's proposed off of Martha's Vineyard or the Kennedy's coastline. Either walk the walk, or put a sock in your pie-holes.

Republicans. Don't think you holier-than-thou butt-heads get off any easier. While you've ignored your smaller government promises, you've used the cover of "Homeland Security" to add countless billions to the taxpayers backs. Oh yeah, and thanks a whole fucking lot for giving $150,000,000,000.00 of OUR money to Africa. Assholes. All of them. And God help you if you're not Christian. I'm surprised they haven't tried to make a Constitutional amendment against drinking on Sunday yet. You know, it's ok to believe in religion without ramming your religion down everyone else's throats. Religions should be like underarm deodorant - everyone should have some, they should use it in their own house, and no one should talk about it at work or in the government. If you don't want to practice certain sexual acts, then don't. If you don't want to have an abortion, then don't. But who the FUCK are you to tell anyone else how to live their life? Do you believe in God, or believe that you ARE God? It's a damn shame that the Christian far-right are as offensive as the Wahhabi Muslims. If they want to practice their extremist morals, do it in the privacy of your own lives, and let me live mine.

Greens. The same idiots that saved this country from four years of President Gore are now trying to screw up the Republicans, eager to promote their leftist ideals. The Greens are the party that has no chance of winning, but can still fuck up the election. I've read their platform - they try to dress up Commuinism, but it's just another shade of lipstick on the same pig. They want to kill this country. Plain and simple. They want a 100% income tax on all money earned over $50,000. What the fuck? The idea of a "Progressive Income Tax" was a primary principle that Karl Marx put forth - and look what it did for the Soviet Union. If you want to end your good life, and cable TV, and microwave cooking, and professional sports, and pop music, just elect these ass-wipes.

Socialists (other than Democcrats). Yes, there's a party or two that love to put the name "Socialist" in it. But don't be fooled. They are not the same dolts that promise "free" healthcare like they have in Canada (even if it takes you months to get any service). These are the Nazis (and similar kindred) that believe in race as well as class warfare. They don't deserve much press time, so I'm going to ignore them.

Before I go, I want to go on record as being against "gay marriages". It's not that I have anything against gay people. I know that that's just how they are, and they aren't "choosing" to be gay. They have their lifestyles, and I have mine. That's all find and good. But the term "marriage" isn't just a term that means two people, it's a term that implies that those two people have gotten together for a specific purpose. Normally, that purpose is to procreate. And since I don't know of any way that same-sex couples can do this, what they have may be committed, it may be permanent, but it's just a relationship. There's no chance that they will have children of their own making. And as much as they'd love to call it a marriage, it's just not a marriage. It's a partnership of sorts. And I encourage them to form those partnerships. Everyone should have a partner in life to share the good and the bad. Well, most people. Charles Manson doesn't deserve a partner. I don't believe that gays should be persecuted (another knock on the Republicans), but they also shouldn't be flaunting their sexuality in the faces of others. It's as annoying as any offensive member of the opposite sex hitting on you for heterosexuals. What you do in your house is your damn business. Keep it there. I promise not to judge you - just don't tell me about your sex life (unless I ask).

Who haven't I pissed off? Oh yeah - that Affirmative Discrimination crap in Michigan. The Supreme Court fucked up. They were a wet fart of stupidity. If discrimination is illegal, then the government shouldn't do it either. The only things that will come from the Supreme Court's ruling is another challenge and employers will heavily scrutinize the transcripts coming from schools that use Affirmative Discrimination. And if diversity is such a "compelling interest", then why are white people not given preference to predominently black colleges? The arguments that the Justices used were a sham. Their vague, misguided rhetoric is guaranteed to be clarified by another challenge. And anyone who questions Clarence Thomas' opinion by claiming that he himself was the beneficiary of Affirmative Discrimination is missing the point. While many years ago there may have been that compelling need, today his rise to the post of Justice was predicated by his acheivements. While there may have been a time of transformation from a repressive society to an inclusive society, where does it end? Have people's attitudes changed? It so, is there a need to continue the same behavior? In an age where blacks are becoming millionaires at a quicker rate than whites (per capita), do we need to still carry out a system of preferences? Or are we perpetuating a system of perceived victims? Isn't the never-ending system of preferences perpetuating the belief that equality isn't achievable?

OK, now that I've pissed everyone off, it's time to enjoy my evening.

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