Opinion Page

Today's rant:

Fired!. Peter Arnett got fired today after public sentiment turned rapidly against him after that ass-clown had the skin grapes to say that our war plan had failed. While we're at it, let's revoke his passport and citizenship. Leave him to Baghdad. Better yet, let's use him to put out an oil fire.

Lance Armstrong and Wayne Gretszky have class. That's right. They both echoed Tiger Woods in showing their support for our President and troops in this time of war. Special considerations go to Gretszky, who has the disability of being Canadian. In all seriousness, it's good to see some prominent people speak out in favor of this war.

Speaking of prominent people, Henry Kissinger thinks that we should re-evaluate our "relationships" with certain countries. Good. Let's re-evaluate France as "supportive of terrorist dictator tyrants". I think that we should kick Russia where it hurts - cut off the funds. Germany and France are easier to hurt - let's stop buying stuff from them. Kudos to Rep. Kingston (for once a shining ray of light in Georgia) who said that we should cancel our contract with France to supply food to our Marines. I personally will buy nothing from France, Germany, or Belgium right now. I bought cheese this weekend, and I made sure none of it came from the snooty French Taunters.

Snagglepus out of the closet? The only man I've ever known to be ex-communicated from the Jewish community, Joseph Lieberman, is coming out with a new bill aimed to 1) solicit votes from the gay community, and 2) get taxpayers to pay for it. All they will have to do to get these wonderful benefits will be to "file an affidavit saying they are living together in a committed, intimate relationship, but are not married". Meanwhile, countless heterosexual couples will be denied the same benefit, because they choose not to get an affidavit that loving couples use to show their commitment - it's called a marriage license. Hey Joey, ever hear of equal protection under the law? No? Well, you see, there's this little thing called a Constitution... Oh, hell, don't confuse the knucklehead with facts. Who knows? Maybe he's really gay on the inside. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay. I just hate it when they have to shove it in your face. While I'm at it, tell me that he doesn't at least LOOK gay in the photo. I've seen Liberace looking more "butch".

Opening season? Did someone read something about baseball? No? Gee. I guess it's hard to concentrate on all of that fun stuff while men and women are dying overseas to protect our way of life. Hell, I'll lay off the fans. They need a distraction from the news. I sure do. Someone hire me, already! I've already seen every Sesame Street episode so many times that I know them by show number!! Hey - we have football season, baseball season, and hockey season. You know what we need? Iraqi season!! It's like deer season, only there's no bag limit. And, it doesn't cost $40 for a fucking ticket. WTF is up with that? Oh, that's right, Greg Maddux needs all $14,000,000 to buy new contact lenses. I've seen his house - he will need more in his next contract if he wants new landscaping.

Pakistan says that Al Qaeda is a terrorist group. Did they just figure this out? No wonder they have all of those Al Qaeda people running around inside their country. How on Earth did they ever build "the bomb" when it takes them 15 years to figure out that Al Qaeda is a terrorist group? My guess - they bought it from the Chinese. We should bomb them back to the Stone Age - but we don't want to undo 10 years of progress on their part.

Syria wants its ass kicked. They are still talking big. I think while we're in the neighborhood, we should pay them some calling. Like B-52s, B-2s, B1s, F-18s, A-10s, F-16s, F-15s, F-14s, A-6s, etc. They act like they want to be The Mouse That Roared. I think we should eradicate all of our enemies in Syria, which is easy since there is no such thing as a person in Syria who likes us.

Geraldo does it again. Bonehead. Ass-clown. That jerk started drawing battle plans in the sand for cameramen. He has been thrown out of Iraq for his stupidity. They should've thrown him from a plane. Sans parachute. We should've dropped him from a B-52 over Baghdad. That way he could've done some good.

Previous day's rant

If you have ideas, comments, or criticisms, please let me know.
