Opinion Page

Today's contents:

Where's the guy with the funny mustache?
Now you know why their symbol is a jackass
Byrds of a feather
Let's blame Bush

Unions win, kids lose

Where's the guy with the funny mustache? That's all that was missing as the Treasury Department rolled out the new $20 bill design today. They're adding color to the Federal Reserve Notes, a technology mastered by Milton Bradley several decades ago for the game "Monopoly". They're trying to make the bills harder to counterfeit. As a part of the new program, they've declared all of the old $20 bills "obsolete". Since they're now completely worthless, please sent them to me, and I will dispose of them for you. Then, please contact me for some real estate opportunities involving roadways connecting islands in the New York City area.

Now you know why their symbol is a jackass. Democrats in Texas decided to prove that they are the "party of obstructionism". They ran off to Oklahoma during session to thwart the legislature from forming a quorum, thus blocking the majority Republicans from working on any legislative issues. This is precisely why the Democrats are losing ground election after election. They are highly partisan, and will stoop to new lows to block progress in legislatures. There's a reason why they call them "congress". Since "con" is the opposite of "pro", congress is the opposite of progress. So, congressional Democrats are blocking legislation, using the most juvenille tactics. That's why they're losing support. First, they sided against the Iraqi people. When they realized that 80% of the Country wasn't with them, they switched tactics to blocking judicial nominees from even getting a vote. This shows that they are unwilling to compromise, they're partisan to the extreme, and out of touch with the people they claim to represent. Their pitiful lust for power has caused them to forget why they're there. They have only contempt for the citizens that they represent. No greater example of this contempt exists than Hillary Clinton. Even as a lawyer, she scrapes the bottom of the legal and ethical barrel. And that is saying something. Notice that the general pattern for Democrat obstruction is usually nothing more than picking the opposite stance from the Republicans. No alternatives are usually offered, only negative wording. And when they DO offer plans, you can count of the wording being deceptive, such as "earned income tax credit" (really just another way of saying "gift that you didn't earn since you didn't pay taxes and didn't take responsibility for your own actions"). My favorite is "tax cuts for the rich". Since those who are labelled "poor" or "working poor" (my favorite) pay no taxes under the current tax code, how can they get tax relief? The answer comes from the Democrats - "refundable tax credits" - another name for "income redistribution". Refundable tax credits don't have to refund actual payments - you just get a check. And who pays for that check? The "evil rich". Class warfare is another tactic of the Democrats, whose elected officials usually are rich and don't suffer from the tax problems that the rest of us do. OK, I'm done ranting on this subject for a little while. But the lack of the Democrats willingness to cut spending and return my money to me has cost them every vote for the last 10 years. Every vote. I will vote for Libertarians first, and stoop to Republicans when no Libertarian option exists. The Republicans bent for bringing religion into politics can be blocked by legal challenges thanks to the Constitution, but there is no law that prevents the Democrats from income redistribution and reckless spending. Of course, the Republicans still spend money on pork projects and other crap that infuriates me. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but Bush has no right to take MY money and send it to other countries to fund their search for AIDS research. That money was taken from me with the threat of force, and given to another country with no guarantee of results, and no oversight. They might have just set it all on fire in a big pile. I don't care how much money it was, they have no right to send my money to Africa for AIDS research. If they HAVE to spend money on AIDS research, why not do it in THIS country? Did we suddenly have a shortage of people infected with AIDS and HIV? At least that money would stay in our economy and help give jobs to people in the private sector. Giving money to another country does nothing for us. Do you think Moroccans, Tunisians, or Libyans like us? How about Mogadishu?

Byrds of a feather. Howard Dean has graced us with his health care plan. Gee, I'm so glad. His plan calls for "universal" coverage for all people from cradle to grave. Why bother paying for your own insurance, when you can make someone else pay for it? His plan calls for raising "some of the taxes that Bush cut in 2001". So, we all get to pay for it. Well, those of us who pay taxes. Dick Gephardt's plan calls for... raising taxes by $200 billion by repealing tax cuts (political double-negative double-speak). So, they want to take our money, and use it to pay for other people to abuse the healthcare system. Thanks, assholes. The last thing we need is to pay for more irresponsible behaviors. If you want to give everyone universal healthcare, just charge everyone the same amount. If you can't pay for it, oh well. None, for you. It's time for people to start taking responsibility for their own actions. The only thing more stupid than these idiot's plans is the lawsuit against Oreos.

Oreos? Some ass-dart lawyer, looking to make a quick buck and a name for himself, has filed a lawsuit in San Francisco (where else?) against Kraft Foods seeking to "ban" oreos, at least until they remove "trans fat" from the Oreos. Trans fat is the mystical additive that makes them taste so good, and make them nice and fattening. But, you can't ban every food that MIGHT be bad for you. Sorry, there's too many, and it's not the Government's duty to ban foods, not unless they are exclusively harmful. Even cigarettes, known to cause cancer, without any nutritional value, aren't banned from human consumption. So, why should Oreos be banned? Which are worse? It's time for people to take responsibility for themselves. I keep saying it, but it needs to be repeated. We are not all victims. We are consumers. We make decisions. We need to be responsible for making good decisions, or live with the consequences. You don't need to be a Rhodes Scholar to know that Oreos aren't good for you. But the nice thing about living in this country is that you can make those mistakes, if you want to. Just live with the results.

Let's blame Bush. Bob Graham is blaming George Bush for the latest terrorist attack, claiming the war with Iraq was a "distraction" (the latest Democratic catch-phrase) from the War on Terror. Never mind that the terrorists were discovered by intelligence sources, and only escaped when the Saudi police failed to apprehend them. Let's try to pin this on Bush. Why not? Nothing else has worked. And no one is buying this pile of festering dung that Graham is trying to sling. He's reaching now. The only real punchline is that Graham is chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Make your own punchline.

Unions win, kids lose. Louisiana has major problems with its schools. So, school vouchers were viewed as the last hope for parents who cared about their children's education. The legislators, scared of two educational unions, killed any hope of passing any legislation this year. The unions keep their stranglehold on the futures of the youth of Louisiana. Meanwhile, the educational system continues to degrade. The teachers unions are showing you where their priorities are. Are they interested in the quality of education? No, they care more about saving their protected jobs. They don't want to compete with private schools, nor do they want to be accountable to the public. We give them more and more money, and they give us lower and lower test scores. We've let them dupe us with arguments about class size, we've let them convince us to drug children with Ritalin. And still crime runs rampant, and kids graduate without the ability to read or write. It's an endless cycle with no end in sight, and everyone loses. Especially the children.

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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