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Only in Florida. Another nut-case (read: Bible-thumping religious nit-wit) was arrested for plotting to blow up an "abortion clinic." First off, this nit-wit is just plain stupid for plotting anything. Blowing up buildings (people inside or not) is an idiotic response to anything. As far as I know, no building has even done anything other than just stand there. Now, if this man doesn't like the current law, he has basically three choices:

1) Work actively to change current laws
2) Move to a country where they are illegal (read: third world)
3) Lump it

Now, I'm not advocating any of the particular choices above. I'm just saying that blowing up a building only further limits your cause by building anger and resentment by your opponents, who in this case represent a majority of the country.

So, now this ass-dart can rot in jail, and get anally-raped by a man with chiggers. Was it worth it?

The worst part about the anti-abortion crowd isn't their stance. I don't advocate that people use abortion as birth-control. But I respect other people's Rights and their choices that they make. If the anti-abortion crowd thinks that religious morals should rule our law, then let them be stoned to death for driving on Saturday. After all, that's what the "Old Testament" stimpulates. It also has rules for slavery, something else that got left behind last century. So, we can either live in the old times, including wars, famine, and plagues, or we can live like a mature, modern society of modern morals and let everyone live their own life.

I always say that if you don't like abortions, don't have one. And if you're a man, you're doubly not entitled to an opinion, since you NEVER will know what it's like to be pregnant.

Oh yeah, and if the FBI is on to you, try not to jump in the ocean as a getaway. You're all wet, you look like an ass anyway, and now you're going to jail like a piece of soggy cereal. They're going to dunk you in milk before they rape you in prison now.

So, now who's left to piss off?

Oh, that's right: Judge Moore. That ass-clown has spent MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars trying to promote HIS religion and adopt it for the entire state of Alabama. Now, I'm not going to make cheap jokes about Alabama. There's already too many, and it's too easy. But I will mention that it is NOT the purpose of a judge to promote one religion over another. Remember that thing about Justice being blind? Judges aren't supposed to care one way or another. They are supposed to rule based upon case law. They're not supposed to inject their own personal biases upon their rulings. In that regard, Moore is as bad as those nit-wits in Ninth Circuit Court out on the left coast. The law doesn't have to agree with you. It is, however, supposed to guide your decisions, and if you can't handle it, get out. Or, if you're Moore, get removed forcefully. If he wants to promote relgion, there's a job class for that. It's called Pastor, Priest, Father, Rabbi, Mullah, etc. If he wants to promote religion, do so in a Church, Temple, Mosque, etc. Don't use the taxpayers money to wage your personal battles.

To end, I'd like to call on one of the truly most offensive (yet funny) jokes that I've ever heard. Remember, I warned you that it is offensive:

"A Priest and a Rabbi are walking together when they pass a young boy. The Priest says 'I'd like to fuck him', to which the Rabbi responds: 'Oh yeah? Out of how much?' "

If you can't laugh, all is lost. Get over it. Get a life. Leave others alone. Did you learn nothing from Kindergarten?

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