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Judge Moore is at it again. That nit-wit still doesn't get it. He is about to get drop-kicked from his bench because he's "utterly unrepentant." He thinks that because a generic reference to God exists in his state's constitution, and other federal documents (including every piece of money), that that gives him the right to promote a Christian God at taxpayers expense in a government public area.

Now, aside from the glaringly obvious point that not everyone in Alabama is a Christian (which might come as news to Judge Moore), there is a HUGE difference between the two situations. Let me clarify.

Now, one of Moore's arguments is that the Supreme Court has the Ten Commandments in it's building. What he doesn't tell you is that the one in the Supreme Court isn't alone. It stands in a gallery with other religious documents representing many different religions. It also doesn't have any words on it, only ten roman numerals. None of the documents there have the word "God" inscribed on them. What Roy Moore wants is to bring not only religion to the table, but to specifically single out Christianity. He wants to recognize Christianity as the "source" of our laws and government. However, he misses the truth in many ways. The Ten Commandments aren't a Christian document. It was given to the Jews more than a thousand years before Jesus was even born. That they accept those laws to follow doesn't give them ownership, any more than I can take credit for writing the U.S. Constitution because I believe in its principles. As a judge, he's supposed to be neutral on religion, not favoring one over another, any more than he should favor one race over another. That he tried to is a clear violation of his oath of office.

Another reason Roy Moore needs to go is that he felt that he was above the law and failed to obey a court order by a higher court. I don't care who you are, or what you believe in - when a higher court issues a ruling, you MUST abide by it. Or, you can file and appeal to a higher court, but you must obey it unless you get an injunction. If you can't abide by the law, you shouldn't be ruling on it.

I don't care what religion you follow. It doesn't matter. If you want to read your Bible every 5 minutes, that's fine with me. Just don't force it on me, and I won't force mine upon you.

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