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Another disturbing trend about criminalizing thought. Do you remember Harris and Klebold? These are the two underwear stains who went on a killing spree at Columbine High School in Colorado. Today's revelation is that the police knew that the two ass-darts were planning a murderous rampage for about two years. The parents of slain children are assuming that there were a series of events that the police could (should?) have done that would have resulted in their children being alive today.

Now, I personally am upset that the two killers aren't alive so that we could kill them again. However, there's no guarantee that even if Harris and Klebold were never born that their children would be alive today. So, let's ignore that argument completely. Let's focus on the more disturbing part. Police knew that the two were planning attacks in 1997. What could they have done about it? If the planning the deaths in the abstract is a crime, then Agatha Christie is the world's most prolific serial killer. The act of planning a crime is not illegal - it's the action itself that is a crime. The premeditation serves to make punishment harsher, but until these trouser stains actually did something illegal, there was nothing the police could have done. If you want to place some blame somewhere, look at their parents. How the hell could they not have known that their children had murder in their hearts? Have they never heard of therapy?

My own parents would have had a 2-pronged approach. They would have sent me to a psychiatrist immediately, then given me nightly beatings until I wasn't able to walk.

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