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Why do I pick on PETA members? Because they're idiots. Think I'm full of crap? Check out this article from FOX News. The mall owner has a policy that their tenants cannot sell any items made from animal products, nor can they harm any animals, even ANTS! Can you believe this retard? Is there a world shortage of ants? It makes me want to let 50,000,000,000 fire ants loose in the mall to see what they do. Don't these knuckleheads have anything better to do with their time?

Muslim allegiance comes above military service? Check out this quote from the Best of the Web (9/24/03):

The Washington Post reports that Ahmad Halabi, the Air Force Arabic translator whose arrest we noted yesterday, is charged with spying for his native Syria. Military authorities allege Halabi "attempted to deliver sensitive information to Syria, including more than 180 notes from prisoners, a map of the installation, the movement of military aircraft to and from the base, intelligence documents and the names and cellblock numbers of captives at the prison in Cuba."

I hope they court martial and then execute these traitors. They do a disservice to the proud, brave men (and women!) who work and worked so hard to defend our Country. Many members of my family have served (some are still in the service) in the military. I am proud to know them, and proud of the job that they do.

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