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So many times I've talked about the liberal bias in the media. Books have been written on the subject. I'm not the first, not the only one, and I know I won't be the last. But it's there.

Here is a tidbit from the NY Times (all the news that's printed to fit):

The nation's prison and jail population rose again last year, to 2,166,260, a record. The increase comes at a time when crime is falling and state and local governments are struggling to close budget deficits. . . . Congress and state legislatures should find ways to reduce the number of people behind bars.

Now, I'm no rocket scientist, but there's a simple matter of the "cart" and the "horse" that leads some people to look at things logically. Maybe the reason that crime is down is that there are MORE CRIMINALS IN JAIL. Doesn't that make more sense??? If you put the criminals in jail, wouldn't the crime rate decrease? Or do the journalists at the NY Times believe that crime is not caused by people, but is a fixed asset of society? I think that no government body should spend any time reducing the number of people in jail except to introduce new ways to speed up capital punishment. We don't need to put the criminals back on the street to continue their vocation. I have seen criminals say that they will return to crime once released, and that jail isn't a deterrent to their activities. They are not worried about getting 3 squares a day in an air-conditioned rent-free room with amenities. Now, if we tried taking out the TVs and gyms, maybe they would think twice about crime.

The sad thing is that I see the same attitude that the NY Times blatantly espouses more carefully hidden (but still evident) in most news organizations. When was the last time that you heard a news report of a citizen using a firearm to defend their life or property, or someone else's life or property? It happens every 7 seconds in this country, but I haven't seen a story on any network news show in at least the last 12 years. So, a little over 54 million events go unmentioned by the "news" and that's ok, but when a thug with a 7-page rap-sheet gets shot by a cop while reaching for a gun, we get 10 minutes a day for a week on the story.

When a gay man is beaten and/or killed by straight men, it's front-page news. When gays beat/kill/rape a straight man, it's not even mentioned. Why is some news more readily reported? Isn't that a disservice to the majority of the viewers, all of whom are potential targets? When are the viewers going to turn off the most-slanted networks and watch something more balanced? Maybe they have. CNN is no longer the most watched cable news network. Maybe there is hope for our species after all.

By the way, no major news source picked up the ozone article I mentioned yesterday. Not one. Shame on them.

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