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Today I want to talk about two things, idiots and French people.

The first is from an article in the Weekly World News. I know the source is tainted by benefit of its namesake. But, it still goes to my point. Working with idiots can kill you. Stupid people don't end their own lives, but rather those of people around them. They are too stupid to know that they are killing others. They are easy to spot, but hard to avoid. You find them everywhere, like anywhere you shop, anywhere you work, and anywhere you play. They go to the park. They live in your neighborhood. They drive in front of you. Just look when you go out. They're all around you.

Now, on to the French. They just piss me off these days. They have done their best to promote dictators while impeding freedoms. They seek to bend more successful countries to their will. They have all but rendered themselves irrelevant to the World's affairs. They hate all things American. That's fine with me. Tourism is down 79% in France, and wine sales slide more than 20% each month. But they've forgotten one rule - when someone invents something, part of the honor and rights associated with that invention is the right to name it. Now there are some exceptions, such as inventions that get named by the public, like a nickname. So when there's something that's been around for over 20 years, like email, the name sticks. Everyone around the globe already knows the term. Now, the French want to legislate that no one in France can call it "email", but have to refer to it as "couriel electronique" (pardon any spelling errors, if there are any). Yes, they can't stand having an American name for something that they use. Too bad, frogs. We invented it. And a bunch unwashed foreigners can't get us to stop calling it what it is. Like we'd just abandon our name for it because they want us to. Screw them.

As my loyal readers know, I've stopped buying anything made in France. So have many others. The best way to punish idiots is to stop giving them your business.

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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