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Some people need to get a life. This site is a spoof on programmers for a mock company called "Primate Programming". The basic concept is that they have contract programmers who are primates (read: apes and chimps). I think it's funny, and the site is cleverly designed to look authentic. It's obviously a spoof. So, when CNN caught wind of it, they went to some "bleeding-heart" organization that is one of these watchdog groups that tries to make sure that we don't treat primates like primates, and they asked them to remove the site as "not at all funny". That's odd, did some primates complain to them? Were they surfing the Internet when they came upon this insensitive ad? Please, get a life. It's called humor for a reason.

Back to Atlanta now. A new city Councilman has some novel ideas about downtown. He wants to discourage homeless people (urban outdoorsman?) from congregating downtown and driving away tourists (who spend money downtown) and businesses (who pay taxes). He also wants to get rid of panhandling and graffitti. His model for this approach was Rudi G. in NYC. It's clear to me that this man wants to restore downtown to a place that people will feel safe and enjoy. Right now, there are a few things downtown is known for. Bums, panhandlers, the smell of urine, graffitti, and crime come to mind. So, this man wants to turn it around, bringing back businesses and revenue to the cash-strapped city. For his efforts, he will be sued by the ACLU for trying to stop bums from panhandling, and sued by homeless advocates who would rather use public parks as meal-wagons for drugged out homeless than as a place for families. Thanks, assholes. Keep it up. Maybe we can turn downtown Atlanta into a third-world country soon, and then you can hit up the U.N. for a grant. It amazes me how people who want to make things better are usually slandered, sued, or killed for their efforts. The list includes everyone from Christ to MLK Jr. to Rudi Gulliani to David Horowitz.

When I was in Maine, people came to downtown each night to dine and shop. No one wants to do that in Atlanta, since crime, bums, and filth are not tourist attractions. If the city is serious about coming out of its budget crisis, it needs to clean up downtown. They lose too much revenue every year from their indifference.

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