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To the stupid Mexican bitch at Wal-Mart: I know you understood me when I called you a "dumb-ass bitch" loudly for trying to take 50+ items into the Express Lane. You tried two lanes, and got shot down twice. If you weren't so busy shopping with my money, (my tax dollars paid for your WIC checks, you stupid whore) you could see the sign that said "20 items or less". But your leeching ass was too busy taking advantage of the generosity of the taxpayers who were trying to help some truly needy CITIZEN who is here LEGALLY and needs that money. While my friend is worried about paying his rent next month, your greedy ass is stealing money you don't deserve while your husband works illegally and avoids paying taxes so that you can drive a new SUV, while I drive my 20-year-old beater of a car to shop with coupons. It's nice that you have others to pay for your food. Too bad you're too inconsiderate to thank the generous people you've leeched off of as they open their wallets so that you can feed that 5th little fuck-trophy that you can't (or won't) pay for. Your welcome for the FREE medical care that we give you (that you don't deserve).

I wish the people of our good County/State/Country would round up the people who've come here illegally and leech off of the system and send them to some place nice, like China. There they will have to be a part of the system in order to take advantage of it. If you don't want to respect our laws, then stay the fuck out of our Country. I've seen so many abuses that I'm becoming indifferent to their plight. I don't care if your apartment burns down - go back to your country and come back when you want to do it legally. Stop making me pay for your kids - I want the thrill of making my own. I know that advocates for law breakers (read: Democrats) say that they only take jobs that no one else wants. Bullshit. I'm sure 16-year-olds can work at Burger King. And I won't have to scream at them to understand to leave the #$%#$%#$% tomato off of my Whopper.

See what else I have to say Previous day's rant

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